Investment Planning

You have a business idea, you want to start a new food and beverage business. Regardless of whether you already have a food and beverage business experience, our “Investment Planning” services will be your biggest assistant in the preparation of the Business Plan required for the installation. When you take advantage of the “Investment Planning” service, detailed market research on the products and services that your business will offer, the budget of the installation, the cost and sales figures of your products in your menu, the return time of your investment, the “Financial Plans” requested by the institutions you want to use credit, You get Gantt charts, all legal and bureaucratic procedures related to the establishment of your business, investment incentives, financial supports, and much more.

  • Company, Sector, Customer and Competition Analysis
  • Developing Business Ideas, Identifying New Opportunities
  • Discovery / Feasibility
  • Concept Planning
  • Menu / Product / Service Planning
  • Determination of Approximate Budget
  • Creating the Financial Plan
  • Applying for Investment Support and Incentives
  • Planning the Installation
  • Preparation the Organization Plan
  • Creating the Marketing Plan
  • Creating the Business Plan